BREAKING: NHS Doctor confirms Health & Social Care Staff were instructed to let Patients die or “euthanize” them to falsely increase the COVID Death Count while Hospitals were EMPTY
An NHS whistleblower, who wishes to remain anonymous, has come forward with allegations that the NHS hospitals were not overwhelmed during the Covid-19 pandemic, as was reported by authorities and the mainstream media.
The whistleblower also confirmed that the little care given throughout the pandemic amounted to negligence, and that the Goverment and NHS bosses essentially instructed staff to let people die, or in some cases kill them through the ‘End of Life Care’ programme and falsely label the deaths as being due to Covid-19.
The Death Document
NICE claims to be an independent organisation but in truth it seems to be anything but once you look into its structure. On this page HERE you will see the quote “Our Structure – The structure of the organisation and how we work with the government”. Following the link to the “Our Structure” page HERE, and then clicking “Find out more about how we develop guidelines” takes you to a page HEREfrom which is it clearly stated that “Topics are referred to NICE from the following organisations”:
Healthcare topics: NHS England
Public health topics: Department of Health and Social Care
Social care topics: Department of Health and Social Care and Department for Education.
A copy of the NICE framework is HERE which you can go through at your leisure. As you will see at Clause 4.1 “The Secretary of State is accountable to Parliament for the health system (its “steward”), including NICE”.
All the above information points to NICE not being independent at all. It is clearly part of the UK government, (NICE is funded by and accountable to the Department of Health and Social Care) and operates as an agency of the NHS. Further, and worryingly, given that it does not appear to be an independent organisation, the reach of NICE is extremely wide ranging given their guidance is implemented not only in hospitals, but in GP practices, and care homes and community organisations, along with others, and extends internationally.
It is with all the above in mind, that we must ask the question “Are the UK government, via the Department of Health and Social Care, responsible in any way for NICE guideline NG163 which led to the unnecessary killing of the UK’s elderly and most vulnerable by recommending the use of Midazolam and Opioids for the “treatment” of Covid 19?”
This document is tricky to find. If you search for it on the NICE website, you will reach a page that states that this guidance has been updated by NG191, which supersedes it. There is no library copy of NG163 for you to look at.
Clare Wills Harrison, a lawyer who has been exposing the Midazolam scandal since 2020, found NG163 some time ago along with multiple other documents which have since come to light and are relevant to the Midazolam issue. It is fair to say that NG163 has directly led to the incorrect use of a protocol which Clare and her team call “the death pathway”, and they have come to the conclusion that where the word “pathway” appears in any medical recommendations, this is normally a cause for concern.
When you read NG163, note the date – 3rd April 2020. This was less than 2 weeks after the UK entered lock down. Even if we concede that NICE, via the government, were working on treatment guidelines from January 2020, when early reports of Covid 19 were circulating around the world, that would have given NICE only 3 months to formulate the guidance in NG163. It is inconceivable that NICE could have the evidence and effectiveness information about the use of Midazolam and Opioids for the treatment of breathlessness and anxiety in Covid 19, within this time frame.
NG163 clearly states, Midazolam did not have a UK marketing licence to be used for breathlessness or agitation at the date of its publication. If prescribed for the same, it would therefore be regarded as being used off label. A PowerPoint presentation created by Clare Wills Harrison (see here) explains the extra requirements placed on anyone prescribing a medicine off label. You should also consider the consistent refusal by the UK health agencies to allow prescribing off label for other cheap anti-viral drugs to treat Covid.
It’s quite clear, from the evidence provided by whistleblowing NHS staff, investigative lawyers, and official Government reports is that you gave up over two years of your life due to a lie.
A lie that involved prematurely ending the lives of thousands upon thousands of people, who you were told died of Covid-19.
A lie that has involved committing one of the greatest crimes against humanity in living memory.
A lie that has required three things – fear, your compliance, and a drug known as Midazolam.